I have some housekeeping issues to take care of so bear with me. Read the whole thing through. This is filled with bits and pieces for several groups of people.
Open statement to fellow bloggers-
I wanted to let anyone that got a notice that I unsubscribed from your Facebook blog page that I moved you over to my email or RSS. I was finding that I couldn't keep track of them. I also left some unsubscribed-not because I didn't enjoy your blog, but when I first discovered that blogs existed, I kind of went overboard and subscribed to everything under the sun. If it was mom related then it was for me. I have slowly realized that I don't fit the demographic of most of them. I gave my daughter the names of some and I have let most go.
I need to trim things up so that I am reading for inspiration, help with writing and help with the knitty- gritty of how a blog works and all the little stuff you have to figure out.
I also was spending too much time reading other blogs and not writing. There is so much material out there to help, I finally have figured that I need to absorb what I have and not keep searching for more.
Post Easter- Wow, did Pastor Phil do a great job Sunday talking. It was powerful and amazing. And Mark Dusseau- the music in the second service just rocked. Everyone was getting moved and clapping. It was great. What a celebration!