About Me

My photo
Davison, MI, United States
I am a middle child,born to middleclass parents.Two older brothers,one younger sister.I am married,and have 3 children, Elizabeth who is married and has 3 little boys. She is lucky enough to be able to stay home with them. Her husband, Alan is a Dr. of Physical Therapy. Jonathan who is single and has just finished college and is still trying to figure out life. Katherine, who had a brain tumor and died at the age of 11, 18 years ago.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bits and Pieces

I have some housekeeping issues to take care of so bear with me.  Read the whole thing through. This is filled with bits and pieces for several groups of people.

Open statement to fellow bloggers-
I wanted to let anyone that got a notice that I unsubscribed from your Facebook blog page that I moved you over to my email or RSS. I was finding that I couldn't keep track of them.  I also left some unsubscribed-not because I didn't enjoy your blog, but when I first discovered that blogs existed, I kind of went overboard and subscribed to everything under the sun. If it was mom related then it was for me. I have slowly realized that I don't fit the demographic of most of them. I gave my daughter the names of some and  I have let most go.

I need to trim things up so that I am reading for inspiration, help with writing and help with the knitty- gritty of how a blog works and all the little stuff you have to figure out.

I also was spending too much time reading other blogs and not writing. There is so much material out there to help, I finally have figured that I need to absorb what I have and not keep searching for more.

Post Easter- Wow, did Pastor Phil do a great job Sunday talking. It was powerful and amazing. And Mark Dusseau- the music in the second service just rocked. Everyone was getting moved and clapping.  It was great. What a celebration!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our Katherine

This was her favorite picture.
She thought she looked
sophisticated. She also
liked the fact that her hair
was getting long.

Today she would have have turned 30 years old. My baby wanted to be an archaeologist.
She also would have gotten a kick out of the fact that it was also Easter.

Katherine Victoria Porter was born April 8, and didn't want to wait for Dr. Heitsch to get there. He came rushing back from his home tearing off his coat, gowned up and just in time caught her as she came rushing out to meet the world. We never knew exactly how much she weighed. The nurses aide had never helped deliver a baby and didn't know how to use the scales. She recorded weight that was 2 pounds heavier than the nursery nurses recorded. The delivery nurse was already to deliver the baby when the doctor arrived.

She started out life quite differently than most babies. I knew almost immediately that something wasn't right. Right after we brought her home, I was holding her and there was something about her color and her eyes that told me that something was wrong. My mother told me that I was lucky to have two children that were bright and that Katherine was maybe just average.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I have been struggling with an issue for a while about this whole “blog” thing. I have called it Unaccounted For, So Far for a reason. I feel I should have accomplished more with my life by this point, that I still have things to do.

Yes, I am a mother, and I worked hard at raising my kids to be adults who have good values and I am very proud of them. I have worked hard to be a wife that is loving and supportive to my husband. I was a good daughter who helped my parents with the unexpected crises and struggles that came during their declining years. I helped them to remain independent for as long as they safely could. I helped them ease into their final days with sensitivity and love so that they would meet God and join each other and their other loved ones again. I am not saying that I was perfect at any of these, but I tried hard.