I have spent a great deal of time
working on my blog and I realized that since I am new at this, I need to take
my time and learn the process as I share.
So I will attempt to post approximately three times a week. This one doesn't count. It is more of a "To whom it may
concern" kind of notice. My
daughter thinks I am obsessing and she is probably right, my husband thinks
that I am getting too frustrated when I can't figure something out and my son-I
am not sure that he has even looked at it.
But I know that he realizes that I am getting frustrated. So, the
learning curve will have to keep me in check for a little while. I also need to
stop collecting blogs that help with blogs and just cull them and find a few
that will help me in ways that I can understand easily.
l also recognize that I haven't
really gotten a real flow for what I write. There isn't a consistent theme and
maybe there won't be one. It may be a memory of childhood past, or it may be an
emotional outpouring. It may be about my
day. I want you to know, that I am trying my hardest to find my way back to me
and that may take some time, and of course, I have been kind of all over the
board in life anyways.
I also realize that I don't fit
the normal demographic for bloggers. There are lots of blogs about raising
families, crafting, decorating, but not a lot that I have found about being a
young baby boomer still trying to figure out life. The ones that I have found
seem to be dealing with aging parents and caring for them. Both of our parents are gone. I don't feel like I am ready for nursing care
yet. I feel like I am still 35 until I look in the mirror and look in my
closet. I am not your typical perky girl with lots of energy. I am a reader and
a thinker, a grandmother who loves her children and grandchildren. I am a
writer and I realize that I have been since I was in elementary school. I want
to improve my skills.
Today Pastor Phil spoke to us
about Micah 6: And what does the Lord require of you but to act justly, and to love
mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. I want to put these issues into practice here and
in the rest of my life. So, if that means I speak about issues that I feel
strongly about, then so be it. If it
means that I tell a silly story, then so be it.
If it means I get all emotional about something, then so be it. Honesty from me is what I can promise. I am
just a woman trying to get through the day and feel good about what I
accomplished if I can. I want to do that
by showing compassion and mercy. That
means accepting help when I need but also accepting the help in the way that it
is given, to be less frustrated when I hear or understand. To act justly by stepping out and helping
when I have the resources or knowledge and can help someone that I come in
contact with. That may be in Wal-Mart, or someplace totally unexpected, like
the gas station, the grocery store, when I meet someone in the neighborhood or
the doctor’s office.
This has gone on longer than I planned. I just felt that I needed to get some stuff off my chest. I would like your feedback. Become a follower of my blog if you feel inclined. I won't try to sell you anything or preach at you. I just want to connect. Thanks for taking the time to read this. By the way, one of the frustrations that I have is not being successful in setting up the blog so that you can subscribe through Facebook or twitter. I will eventually figure it out. Give me time.
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