About Me

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Davison, MI, United States
I am a middle child,born to middleclass parents.Two older brothers,one younger sister.I am married,and have 3 children, Elizabeth who is married and has 3 little boys. She is lucky enough to be able to stay home with them. Her husband, Alan is a Dr. of Physical Therapy. Jonathan who is single and has just finished college and is still trying to figure out life. Katherine, who had a brain tumor and died at the age of 11, 18 years ago.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Shh, I Am Reading

Used book sales And Used Book Stores are heaven for me. You see, once I start to read a book in a series, then I need to complete the series. I carry a list of missing titles with me. I have also been known to buy the same book three or four times, forgetting that I had already read it. If you haven't noticed yet, the bookstores (they shall remain nameless.) in our area are carrying fewer and fewer books. If you are lucky, you might find the latest book by an author.
I will admit that I can be condescending about books. I admit it. I have rules: No Harlequin Romances; No book with a man without a shirt on, gracing the cover; No book written after the movie comes out because it just isn't going to work.

 I will admit that I had an attitude about the Janet Evanovich Series. I refused to read them, and then the movie, One For The Money, came out. Elizabeth convinced me to read the first one before seeing the movie. I read books one through seventeen in a week and a half, although that did not include five, thirteen or fifteen. didn't have access to them. (I do now). The Hunger Games Series, by Suzanne Collins, was the same deal. I stuck up my nose, but Elizabeth got them for Christmas and loved them.I read the first in less than a day and completed the series in less than a week.

Books helped save my sanity after my surgery in August. I escaped into my books when I couldn't hear for three months, until I received my high tech hearing aids. They even have a remote control that can be program for different situations. They thought it might be temporary, just fluid. It was not.

I always have a book with me.  And yes, I have a Nook Color. I like the feel of holding a book, the smell of it, the sensory touch, but I also am aware that I can carry several hundred books with me on my Nook and it does not take up lots of space. If it is a book that I know I will love, then I will get the paperback or the hardback.

Okay, I know that this borders (actually creeps over the line) of obsession. But I have read since before I started kindergarten and books were always a place to escape to. I am Jo in Little Women, Eloise in Eloise, Jackie in Bloody Jack, Maisie in Elegy for Eddie, Katniss from The Hunger Games. I identify with a character and then the book takes me away.   
By the way, you can rest assured that this is not the last time I write about books.

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